Tag Archives: occult

May 1 – Mayday, Bealtane, Walpurgis, and the Christianization/Secularization of the Holiday




For thousands of years humans have celebrated at the end of winter, and everyone comes out in early may for 2 weeks and eats the last food from the cellars. They roast a spring animal or two to feast. The last ofthe winter beer comes out. Young people who are looking for love think of their lover as they twirl their ribbon round the may-pole in a community ritual and those who wish to HANDFAST make their wishes known to the community.

The christians want to tie people together for life, which is a control scheme, christian marriage. Handfasting is one of christianities greatest enemies, because more than two people can handfast together, and they are only bound for until the love lasts. They aren’t bound forever and their property is not bound togeter, which is the purpose of christian marriage, the binding and theft of beliefs, rights and property.

So anyway, this is a good time to handfast. And there are far fewer restrictions, because it isn’t considered a marriage by any christianized government administration in canada. Handfasting is strictly about LOVE not anything else, so people who love each other make vows in front of their friends, who are generally ok with most partnerships where two (or more) people of freewill can dedicate themselves to each other in a communal situation.

Bindings that pious christians would disapprove of for whatever reason can occur in handfasts as long as the people who are going to tie the mates hands together can accept it and walk up to them and tie them together, then it works. Many people write wishes for the lovers on the ribbons before they tie their hands.

50 ribbons is 50 people acknowledging the binding of the lovers.

The maypole is the absent or wished-for lover as one of its symbolisms. Tying a ribbon to it can be a spell to visualize and project your love.

The full moon nearest to may 1st is the actual important time. Its the christians who like solar dates in stone, pagans are more interested in celebrating while the moon is full.

Why the moon is more important is obviously too big of a topic for here. But consider that you are a bag of water (80%) with a bit of other material in the meat. So when the rock and stone of the earth gets elongated and ovoided by the travel of the moon, so does the water in your body sac. Its also a deep hereditary racial memory common to almost all humans to get goopy about the full moon, so that’s reason enough for it.

It is a common time for etheric/astral travel of various humans practicing their succubi routines too.

Later the christians would demonize mayday as a time of “human sacrifice”, which it really wasn’t, but it was a good story to keep scared parishioners away from the pagan parties where they might get drunk and fuck someone who they weren’t married to. Which is fine to a pagan, as long as your mate is cool with it.

This is the time when all the little witchies should be sending their spirit forms about, trying to find their mate through etheric spirit communication before they consumate in body. Or finding lovers in the dark in the woods. Lots of fertility rites. Damn fornicators. 8P

Most people get it wrong, but pagans are a lot less about orgies than people think. They just like fucking their mate or lover in a space where everyone can see their friends fucking each other. Even pagans get the idea that everyone fucking everyone leads to everyone getting herpes or worse.

They are generally an observant group of people, if maybe a little too trusting.

I was always more interested in the barbecue. Mmmm. See that’s where the sacrifice stories come from. Really they just had a barbecue, but they all had a big prayer for the cow/goat/chicken first so the christians called it a sacrifice. It was a feast. The killing of the meat was a central part of the event because that’s what everyone was going to eat for the next 3 days.

Anyways, this is the two week period of Bealtaine, so work yourself up into a frenzy for the full moon,
and watch out for the Christians, who will always try to jack your party.

If you want to participate in the Wild Hunt
You should get a little drunk and meditate on the full moon

Just so you know, you don’t actually go running around, its an etheric travel thing.
Try it!

You might like it.

Any Pretty little kinkster witchies out there who are well off enough to drag the hobo wizard around?

Notice how the two most important Pagan celebrations, Bealtaine and Samhain, don’t have public holidays? And their are christian and secular holidays almost immediately before and after?

Its to keep people from celebrating on THEIR special spiritual time.

The administrative burning of the witches.

Watch out for GHB on May Day. Its the number one tool of the christians against pagans right now. No VPD officer will ever investigate the GHB rape of a pagan. Seriously. That’s why there is so much of it. It only costs $10 to buy a dose of liquid rape in Vancouver, and there are litres of it ready to be used against you all with impunity. The best thing pagans can do for themselves as a group is by some of those GHB detection strips. Personally I think they should be freely available from the VPD, but they wouldrather turn their heads and pretend there isn’t any GHB being used against you. Really, you weren’t drugged, you’re just a witchy slut right?

Real pagans like to drink, and even use entheogens, but passing around bottles with GHB in it is really rape. IMHO. And if you can’t remember your “ritual” there isn’t a lot of point in pretending its important to you.

One last warning: where you have your “rituals” can be fatal to you! I’ve seen a couple of large witch/pagan groups disbanded simply because they rented a hall that was run by christianized gangster rednecks. In less than 3 years their numbers halved. They were identified and targeted after their parties in the hall by gangs using the surveillance footage from the hall’s security and the guestbook information. They never realized until it was too late that there was a reason those people offered them the hall so cheap. They were attacked one at a time and never realized that it was their own belief that they would be treated equally in todays society that they were able to be divided.

Johfra Bosschart

Johfra Bosschart "sabbath"

from http://visionaryrevue.com/webtext2/jofgall1.html

You might notice I haven’t mentioned any specific deity or deities associated with May 1.
Because there are deities from every culture and belief connected with spring rites and festivals, so take your pick or just enjoy the feast without one.

All pagans don’t necessarily have deities, and those that do often have wildly differing ones.

The ring symbol used by my Oppressors

Do you know what this symbol is?

Do you know what this symbol is?

A number of people involved in attacking me or stealing from me in the last 3 years have worn this ring with this simple raised gold house-like symbol of gold with a little red gem in the center. At least 6.

3 of them are:

1) the officer who beat me: PC Smart
2) the “social worker” Simone of PCRS-CAP who got the reward for “smashing the pedophile ring” with the information I told him and wrote on my blog, see previous posts for details.
3) Dr. Brown of the Diamond Centre, head of surgery

At least 3 other people I have encountered in the last 3 years have also had one of these gold rings with this plain unembellished raised symbol. I never saw it once in my life before that.

I don’t give a shit what it is about. The ring.

I’m sick of being a target and not getting compensated or having legal recourse, and I’m even more sick of the “law” and “justice” in my country being corrupted and bought.

The corruption of the legal system in Canada is one of the most disgusting abuses of power I’ve ever seen.

Keep in mind those crosses of the KKK.
They consider themselves “Christian”.

I have a near photographic memory.

When Officer smart slammed his fist into my temple after making up an incident and pretending I “assaulted” him by grabbing my pack, it was this fucking ring that was slammed into my head. Right at my temple. He was trying to cause brain damage. I got hit 20 times in the head with this fucking ring and I was the one who got an assault charge. I got an additional 15 or so knees to the kidneys, and another 10 punches to the back of the neck when I was on the ground. In front of 5 witnesses, who were never questioned by the police, and who I wasn’t allowed to subpoena. The witnesses, my neighbors, are too afraid to talk anyway. They know I didn’t attack the cop.

When I saw the same ring on Dr. Brown’s hand after being “specifically” sent to him, an important surgeon, me, mr. homeless being sent to an important surgeon, head of fucking surgery, I knew I would die if I let this man operate on me.

When I saw the same oddly plain ring on my counselor at PCRS-CAP, Simone, I knew that I was about to get screwed, that’s why I told him pretty much everything and watched him fucking giggle at me, so I could watch his face and reactions. He LAUGHED at me when I tried to explain this shit that had been happening to me. He outright laughed at me when I tried to talk to him about a hereditary medical problem.

I’ve seen this goddamned ring on 3 other people during this 3 year continuous assault on my person.

It doesn’t fill me with respect or fear. Shove your cult/gang shit, fuck off, I’m not going to quietly let you steal from me and try to kill me without saying something.

It fills me with disgust at the the depths of corruption our society has degraded into under the minority gov’t of Harper.

Law, Justice, Health, Social Assistance, we can’t allow these things to be so corruptĀ  and infested that people who are driven to the bottom are allowed to be killed by people who have a hidden agenda. That’s WHY we had a social safety net up until the Martin and Harper governments, to keep people from being destroyed for speaking up.

How could I make this up?
Its one of the most plain and almost gaudy rings I’ve ever seen!
It looks masonic, but OTO is masonic as well.

Obviously it’s important.
Obviously it’s a “signal” of some kind to me
to be afraid or in awe or something

But really it just fucking pisses me off.

The government, the police, the justice system, healthcare, HAVE to be clear of organizations intent on subverting their true purpose. We have to clean corruption out of public service completely or we’re all fucked.

THAT’s WHY we need a social safety net that keeps people at least as well as the prison system, a roof, a space of their own, at least 2 meals a day, access to a bath and washroom, and healthcare.

Harper has completely ripped apart all of the social safety net of this country, so this form of intimidation and corruption can fester and grow.

Otherwise the white christian male dominated patriarchy of old money continues to be able to crush and steal from anyone who challenges their established view of the world.

They’re trying to kill me and laughing about it, because really, no one will listen, and there is no “justice is blind” only justice is DEAF to the cries of the oppressed.

Do I sound pissed off?

Vancouver – The land of artist ripoffs – no wonder its called the "city of no fun"

I know how many people think I’m crazy.
Talking about pedophile rings, sick little covens hell bent on human sacrifice, cia backed canadian gangs and film production company fronts, cointelpro in canadian coffee shops, corruption in gov’t and law enforcement, human rights violations in our friendly happy land of poverty….

I really don’t give a shit if you want to believe I’m crazy.
There’s a reason I run into these things, I’ve been a target for a while.
I got used to it by the time I was 20.
It still wears me down.
But recently someone stole something from me, and the fucker made enough money at it he paid someone to fuck me up so I couldn’t claim my rights in the matter.

I could cry I guess,
but I decided to pick up stones and swing my slingshot
long ago I decided that.
Like when I was 12 and knew I wasn’t going to get anywhere
in this “suck rich cock to succeed land of ever present bullshit and stupidity”


I’m one of those guys that talks this shit on the coffee shop patio
I’m one of the reasons you can’t smoke on a patio anymore
to shut people like me up
fucking sheep we’ve become

Live music in Vancouver pretty much sucks these days
they’ve migrated to colder cities with warmer hearts for live music.

So I know there are a lot of people who are mad at what I’ve said about my stint at Stargate Atlantis. Suck my dick, its true.

I came back to Van in Jan. 2003
I spent that winter-spring-summer hanging at a coffeeshop on commercial drive
shivering with various other malcontents on the patio as we smoked and bitched about the destruction of culture and the rise of the new culture of misery

I am fucking serious about Robert C. Cooper ripping me off at that coffee shop across from the park.
with his little marantz recorder
asking me about what I thought about Atlantis, the lost city.
I know a lot about myths and science fiction.
I told him I thought it was not an island, but an island submarine, it didn’t sink, it submerged
and after he pried and dug more I suggested that it was never found because it launched into space a la Eric Von Daniken. Of course it went on a journey of enlightenment, but if they ever made a movie about it they’d fill it with something stupid like “Army vs. Space Vampires”
Then I was talking about my “universal power block” idea which I’ve been going on about for a few years. Sound familiar? Is it zed or zee?

this is in 2003, early summer late spring

I know you don’t believe it. But it’s true,
and someone is out there who has worked with the bastard and hates Robert Cooper.
Someone who has heard him boast about ripping off that crazy hippie cat.
Maybe they even have a copy of that cassette, or one of Robert boasting.
We even shook hands on the deal, Cooper and I.
I saw his recorder, I told him “If we talk about this myth and you use some of my ideas here you’re gonna pay me AT LEAST 15%-20% right?” He tried to squiggle out, but he was intent on his plan, so he VERBALLY AGREED and then SHOOK MY HAND on it.
That’s a binding deal. Not only does he pull the rip off, he tries to mess me up.
So I’m gonna keep fighting for compensation Robert, and talking about this.
And soon I’ll call in a couple debts to get some pressure on you
You fucking balding wiener wanker.

I’d challenge Cooper and all of his staff to a polygraph showdown, any day!
Chickenshit fucker.

So consider that all of the nasty assholes I’ve run into in the last 2 years, all of the people trying to bring me down, losing my place, people tracking me, gangsters actually trying to drug and kill me, all of this started AFTER I started working for Stargate. As soon as they had my address, robert had people targeting me to mess me up.
Think about it. I may never be able to prove he stole some ideas from me, but he doesn’t want to take the chance, he’s made a couple million off of even a couple of the ideas he snarfed from me sitting at Turk’s, I’m a loose end, he has connections through the entertainment industry to gangsters. He tried to get me discredited, f’d up, and possibly even killed.
I can’t prove it at all, but I’ve been a target for assholes since I gave my original address to my SA employers. Don’t believe me, I really don’t give a shit.
But when I disappear or get sick and die, keep in mind, I’m healthy right now.
Other than a hernia, and an f’d knee, I have had recent xrays and I have no cancers in my chest or abdomen. I state right now that someone in the next year is probably going to try and kill me in a staged “mugging” or I’ll be poisoned somehow. If you trace it all back, like anyone would care about some dead broke artist fuck, it’s going to point to R. Cooper. Call me paranoid, it doesn’t mean I’m not right about being a loose end some rich fuck wants to tie up.

Would you set some gangster assholes after someone if that person could cause you to lose more than $500k? Seriously, you just gotta shut them up and you’ll have tons of cash for life?

I wondered a lot why they hired me at SA. Why people said weird things during my time there like “this is the guy!” “This is him?” lot’s of odd looks. Like something weird was going on behind the scenes. Questions out of the blue about what I’d do if something I wrote was stolen. I wondered about it a lot, I’ve been doing Info Tech for the last 10 years, why hire me instead of a film school brat. It was tweaking me the whole time I was there. A lot of people know about it, obviously. It’s also a good cover, “We didn’t rip him off!! Honest! He’s just a disgruntled ex-employee!”

As soon as they had my address for administration, the shit started happening in my life. The house I was renting rooms out to people in suddenly filled with gangsters, whores and pedos. People sucking money and energy from me, gangsters tailing me across 3 cities. Tagged for removal. I wonder how much it cost? Or did they do it for free to protect their own film industry investments?

Maybe my punker friend will realize that she witnessed the ripoff sitting there at Turks that day, and that might be why she’s having some hard times too. Another loose end. She probably won’t believe it until it’s too late. She still thinks her “friends” “accidentally” broke her guitar the night before she went east. Fool. Like your dark foul toothed “friend” Elizabeth who kicked Koala, badmouths me to everyone, and happens to be close buddies with the same Nigel and his brother mentioned elsewhere.

Want to hear something even creepier? My APC friend that had the spook eyeballing her? The spook turned out to be old roommates with Christopher Stewart, the man who hired me at SA, and seemed to be looking for someone in particular, not just someone to fill a seat. Is that creepy or what?

I counted over 120 gangsters total on my tail across 3 canadian cities.
Fuck I suddenly got popular with the boys in beards on bikes.
Not that I usually have anything against the more respectable gangsters,
after all that’s where all the decent quality drugs come from.
No gangsters and we’d all have to be clean freaks.
But seriously, they generally ignore me.
Not after I signed up for SA though. Fuck.

I’ll never be able to prove it unless someone else speaks up
All those people on the crew, RC had to boast to someone.
Consider, if the lighting guy works all day on a scene, and the props person spent a week on the set, is it cool to send them home with no money?? How about credit? If someone works on a show, in a gig where they are supposed to get credit, does everyone just laugh and say “oh well” if they get their credit ripped off? You there, Ms. Coordinator, would you laugh off the removal of your credit? Or your salary?

I can write, that’s all I can do I guess, short of amassing an arsenal.
and I write a lot of satire and science fiction
so get prepared this coming year
for the online novella

“Space Tunnel to Asslandia”

You’ll laugh so hard you piss yourself
I guarantee it….

The You Tube version will be even better, when I can get something faster than a 486 to work on. I’m an animator/artist/writer so maybe I’ll make something funny enough that every SA fan will want a copy sitting beside their box set.

I’ll make the RC character a bit like Kenny, dying 10 times per episode in some disgusting way, only to be revived for his next unpleasant death.

so here’s some more shit for you to look at that started soon after I started working for SA:
Oct of the year I was working for SA, Masha and her bf stayed at my house for a week at my asshole roomate Piere’s invitation. Remember this?

“Man, 29, murdered in Mexico Burnaby woman, 24, survives, boyfriend killed Ian Austin, The Province; with Canwest News Service Published: Tuesday, May 20, 2008 The shades were drawn low and tensions ran high yesterday at the Burnaby home of Masha Heikali, who was shot in an attack at the Mexican resort of Cabo San Lucas that claimed the life of her boyfriend, Bouabal Bounthavorn….”

Perhaps you think I’m imagining things. Tell you what. Masha has a skin disorder. An algae/fungus sort of thing that would probably disappear if she would soak in chlorine filled hot tubs or pools, but being a little earth-witch she never would. How would I know that?
I liked Masha. I didn’t like her boyfriend as much. I’m not sure why. A feeling I had.

Pierre is connected to these folks through a dick named Nigel. Pierre caused a lot of grief in my house and is also connected to these dicks who are involved in fucking up the minds of a lot of good little earth-witches. Luciferians masquerading as Fey and sucking up the little good witchies in a never ending “organic” dance party.

Do you see the Canwest?
Canwest Concrete = Canwest Entertainment = Alliance = SA

I personally like the Big Red Machine, because I like good drugs instead of shitty drugs.
Big Red learned from that Rolling Stones fiasco that bad publicity is bad for business.
So I don’t think they’re really happy about pedos or human slavery happening anywhere that might be remotely connected to them.
I could be mistaken. But I don’t think so.

I’m pissed off. Really pissed off. Clean up the fucking shit boys.
This is Canada, not South America.
I don’t like what’s been happening.
It’s not like I’m making an invisible connection, fuck, it’s like saying some other crew comes from Sicily. Open secrets can’t really be broken.

Why would I bring that up?
Because 2 roomates after Pierre, who said they didn’t know each other, both worked for Canwest concrete. While I’m still working for SA.

I after 9 months with SA I got a roomie whore whose “brother” is making suspicious VPN connections to Toronto, a pedo named Greg Cairns using a “flight simulator” to connect to Australia and Belgium at ping rates no self respecting flight simulator buff would ever connect to, another whore with midwife training who has no child in sight but is lactating heavily, a pregnant “wife” and husband bullshit team with serious domestic violence under containment, and a “white Jewish Rasta reggae drummer” with a penchant for baby talk. It couldn’t get worse, or could it?

Pour those boys in some fucking concrete. That’s what it’s for isn’t it.
Why I’m not in some, maybe they want to clean up the real mess using someone not connected.
I speak the truth, as fucked up as it seems. Reality trumps fiction in the fucked up category.

I’m fucking mad.
Creatives getting ripped off is bad enough. Trying to off them/discredit them to cover up the ripoff is about as disgusting as I can imagine. It’s shameful.

And why would I trust “the police”?
Shit, I trust Big Red more than them.

When I got arrested for this made up bullshit “assaulting a PC” charge I had a great big CanWest concrete fucker in the same processing queue, and a crown prosecutor with a coven of 5 beauties behind him that were specifically brought into the room when I was brought to the cage.
“bring in the students” was the cry, and I stood and waited while they arranged themselves behind him for his spiel of made up bullshit. I’m not joking, I said a coven behind a fucking crown prosecutor. Look it up on the courtroom video Mr. Internal Affairs. Fuck.

Think about this. There are over 3000 Luciferians alone in this city. Never mind the other evil organizations. Gangs with names like “Satan’s Buddies” are often covens. See the fucking link yet or are you really blind. Luciferians will fuck anyone over if you pay them. No one alive really matters to them. They’d work for Georgie Bush at the drop of a cartload of cash. Canada doesn’t matter when there’s big money in it.

Seriously, get Leonardo to paint the Last Supper, then kill him and sign your own name to the painting and put your name on his fucking notebooks.

I’ve only fucking scratched the tiniest of surfaces on this, and I held off till now because I’m not against big organized crime, I just fucking hate injustice.

Let them tell you I’m on drugs.
Believe it at your own ignorant peril.
I’m just fucking pissed off that rich fucks can rip people off and fuck people over and the cops are so infested they’ll help the rich fucks first. I said COVEN in the court and I fucking meant it.
Do they serve law? or something “higher”?

I’m already on borrowed time, so fuck the bullshit…

The Good Witches and the Evil Witches

So I study philosophy and spirituality
I study the spirituality and beliefs of many cultures and Paths
Trying to find the concepts that are common ground

I’ve met a lot of Witches.
There are a lot of very different paths in Paganism.
Gardnerians, Dianics, OTO, Thelema, Theosophy, Gnosticism, Druidism, Santeria
And on and on
So many different Paths.

Mostly, on Commercial Drive in Vancouver
I run into Buddhists and good little Earth Witches
from the two main branches of reconstructed NeoPagan Wicca

almost two years ago I was at a party
I knew at least 4 people there were witches
and I wasn’t sure of their Path
I thought it might be a set of LaVey Satanists
Who mostly aren’t evil at all
Its more of a Neitschean “Will to Power”
kind of thing, about individuality and becoming a strong human
But by the end of the night I realized
they were something else entirely

Standing on the balcony of the host’s apartment
just down the street from The Drive
looking down to an quiet East Van neighborhood
We were standing, having a beer and a smoke
it was still early, still light out

A woman and her 7 year old daughter
were playing in their back yard
digging in the garden
The daughter was wearing too short of a dress
for bending down and digging

“Oh yeah baby”
I hear around me
chuckles and nods
and it takes me a second to realize
they weren’t ogling the mother
in her jeans
they were ogling the child
of 7 or so

3 men and a woman
The host and hostess of the 3rd floor apartment
their coven leader
and another man
looking at a seven year old child
and thinking lusty thoughts

I voiced a comment of disapproval
after letting them continue for a couple minutes
to see if this was real
to watch their faces
actual lust on their faces
for a child
It was hard to wait that few minutes
but I had to see
that it WAS real
cringing inside
watching them almost drool
the woman giggling
as if she were watching a porno

In the day she sells flowers
across from the park
“oh fun,” she giggles

It’s not a criminal offense to leer
but I quite clearly saw
in their faces
that they would love to do more than watch

I wonder if more happens
above the pizza joint
up the hill
where they gather
or down in their east van “practice space”
how far do they go

the way they are leering
I can see they have no qualms
about touching
or more
madness of this sort travels quickly
in hierarchical religions
whole monasteries
of pedophile monks
have been known in the past

They get really pissed off when I exclaim
and the woman, startled
takes her child inside

At another party I catch one talking to another
how they are planning to “bring him down to nothing”
because the woman never came outside again with her little girl
I ruined their fun
and so they decided to target me

I’ve seen what they do
I don’t know how they managed it
but they had a man and woman
somehow they managed to arrange that she would have a car accident
the same day that he had a work accident
they were only a couple rooms from each other
in the same hospital
somehow, in the same hospital
a whole coven sucking off of the pain and anguish created
they feed off the misery of others
don’t believe me
I don’t care
the couple believes me now
I’ve watched them a few times since
working against people

Its so much better to work for life
not misery

Before we start the witch hunt to find them
remember all the “Good Priests”
hiding behind their crosses
hiding amidst the truly Good
with their evil
with their lust for the children of their flock

So many good little Earth Witches

Yet these Evil Ones
do very much exist

That’s all I have to say about it.
Think deeply about it
and look around you
whatever your Path is

Ones like these
can taint an entire Path
with their shit.

The Jesus Stories…Listening to Jesus….

So this is my first of many Jesus stories.
It has some racial epithets in it,
hold off until the end of the story, and you will see why.

So there’s this cool cat
named Jesus
He’s poor, but smart
cause grew up with some crazy Essene monk dudes,
and he walks around with his Crew,
and some whores they picked up along the way.
Safety in numbers
a bunch of guys on the road is pretty boring
so it was cool to have the chicks along

So they’re traveling around
The guys all play instruments
and even some of the chicks
and they do shows,
to make money for their journey
Jesus was the MC and lead songwriter

All around the land as they travel
People hear about the shows
many kinds and colours of people
people of many faiths
each walking on their own Paths
their own Journeys

They hear that Jesus and his crew are coming
They’re doing a show
in The Glade
and each of them, alters their Path a bit
so they can go and see Jesus
hear him talk

They’ve heard about some of the things he’s said
from their friends
from other people who went to see a Jesus show
and those that like what they heard
about Jesus shows being fun
and everyone being welcome
alter their Path a bit
to go see Jesus

The old folks and the Priests
the lovers of Hierarchy
the grim faced hawkers of Hate
Hate Jesus
because, like all musicians
not under Control of Authority
he makes their children rebellious
but the children who believe
in unity and peace
they have always hated the Hatred
and they sneak out anyways

All these colours, races, faiths, Paths
come out of the forest
at the Glade
and gather
they exchange stories
about their Paths
and their Encounters
and when Jesus and his crew climb the mount
a hush falls upon them
because they want to hear
the stories

The musicians play
people dance
people sing
Jesus leads them in songs
songs they all can sing together
even though they speak different tongues
and walk different Paths
they join hands and sing
each in their own way

And finally when everyone needs a break
in the hot sun of the afternoon
they sit down
and are quiet
so they can hear him talk
about what this means
how so many different Paths
can be together

imagine you are one of them
ignoring the bullshit of the Priests
all the old stories of Glorious Hatred
letting them fall away
and listening

if you look around
and say
“what’s that-
Jew – doing here?!”
“what’s that-
faggot – doing here?!”
“what’s that-
nigger – doing here?!”
“what’s that-
towelhead – doing here?!”
“what’s that-
chink – doing here?!”
“what’s that-
whore – doing here?!”
“what’s that-
tranny – doing here?!”
“what’s that-
homeless fucker – doing here?!”
“what’s that-
Witch – doing here?!”
“what’s that-
Vodun – doing here?!”
“what’s that-
Pagan – doing here?!”
“what’s that-
pot-head/coke-head/drunk/e-tard – doing here?!”

on and on

As soon as you turn to say that

You’ve stopped listening to Jesus…

Human Sacrifice in Canada – a spooky Halloween story

I must be getting SOMEONE’s attention
since my blog logo just disappeared after posting this title
It’s not a joke. It’s very real.

In spiritual practice this is known as “Abomination”

and it’s actually happening in Canada
The victims?
The invisible ones…
Homeless, prostitutes, drug addicts, even children
People with no voice, people no one will look for.
The ones our gov’t wants to sweep and shovel under the carpet
under the ground
no police will ever bother to investigate their disappearance
because in Canada, they’re not really people at all.

Believe me, it will scare you shitless
As much as 23 prostitutes in a pig farm….

And why would you think it’s a joke?
All those priests accused of pedophilia, all the hush hush payouts by big churches?
For years no one would dare accuse a priest of fondling, but after seeing the enormous size of the infestation, we now accept it as a common thing. It’s a standard joke, the pedophile priest, because of it’s prevalence. The next most common position for pedophiles was sports coaches, and then camp councilors or scouting/guide leaders…

It happened in Canada as much as it did in the states and elsewhere.

There is a huge population of alternative religious beliefs in Canada.
But most are disenfranchised by the overwhelming Christian elites, so we don’t see “churches” of neopagan sects such as Garderian Wicca, Dianic Wicca, Gnosticism, Theosophy, Druidism even Buddhism, because many of these sects don’t fall into the “one supreme god” category that Canadian law tries to fit every religious belief system under, so they become “societies”.

Canadian law needs to accept the fact that many religious beliefs currently practiced in Canada are POLYTHEISTIC. Until they do, many belief systems operate underground, and have no protection in Law. As such, their believers have no protection in law, and even face discrimination by christian police.

This leads to a terrible dilemna.

The great majority of these sects are filled with good honest people.
But the discrimination faced by these sects and their members makes them hide in “secret” to avoid the very real possibility of being “burned” both literally, and through societal ostracism.

Regardless of law, there is no real protection for people who are discriminated against in this society due to religious belief or sexual orientation. Many different sects have understandings of sexuality which are completely outside the Christian paradigm.

Acting in secret, over years of reconstructing lost ways destroyed in the Inquisitions (a Christian form of human sacrifice I would suggest) the stories and ways change like that campfire game where a simple sentence travels the circle and becomes a totally different story.

Our society pits people against each other. We are only a short way from throwing stones at the homeless and prostitutes, burning them alive on the street corners while yuppies throw precious gas on them and howl to the great gods of the Stock Market.

90 year old men receive 14 year old 3rd brides in Bountiful.

Secrecy and insularity distill the madness to high fever pitch.

And children are born to be sold for cash to pedophiles, homeless people are whisked away for “the ultimate thrill” ever increasing sacrifices to gods of madness. The Scapegoat.

Salem’s first Witch that was hung was a young woman, not even 12, because she was homeless and orphaned.

We gather in groups to throw stones screeching for unity, for togetherness, for sameness, for regularity and compliance.

They do disappear. But no one counts them, no one sees them missing. In many cases they are brought down to nothing by a concentrated attack on their lives, a steady hunt for the scapegoat.

Don’t believe me, turn your eyes.

Think how you might have spotted that pedophile priest, long ago, before he was jailed, were there times when you actually suspected, then let it slide as foolishness?

It is not heresy to question authority.

But I leave you with this.

The burnings themselves were sacrifices to the christian god, and hunting evil ones can never result in the madness of hunting innocent practitioners of other faiths who are good.

How can we tell? How can we see which tribes meet to worship an act of Abomination?

Many would say that christian practitioners of European sects are guilty of the same in secret.

A sacrifice of animals does not necessarily indicate the presence of Abomination.

I will not point the finger.
The one church in whose basement evil is committed, does not require the burning of all of that faith. I would suggest it is the place of each church together, of each faith, to find the ones in their houses, who practice Abomination, and would bring hunters upon them all.

It is the combining of LIVING ones that creates our greatest inner power, not the sacrifice of a living human being to glorify the ego of our priests. Our need for bigger Ritual to increase Ratings.

If you dare to look at the light inside, you make actually find the darkest ones among you.

(insert evil demonic laughter here)

It’s time we remove the barriers that non-christian religions face to founding churches, so that we may negate the twisted mutations that secretive practices birth

There is no place for abomination in our modern spiritual practices, we must expose any who practice such things, preferably with our own investigations, lest everyone of a faith be colored with the blood of their doings. Unlike the Christian churches, hiding and suppressing the evidence of madness, you must proactively gather the evidence and assist Law in purging the Fallen, or be tainted yourselves with the guilt of their doings.

True belief needs no murder for its power.

The Beginnings of a Golden Dawn……

All their life was spent not in laws, statutes, or rules, but according to their own free will and pleasure. They rose out of their beds when they thought good; they did eat, drink, labour, sleep, when they had a mind to it and were disposed for it. None did awake them, none did offer to constrain them to eat, drink, nor to do any other thing; for so had Gargantua established it. In all their rule and strictest tie of their order there was but this one clause to be observed,

Do What Thou Wilt;

because men that are free, well-born, well-bred, and conversant in honest companies, have naturally an instinct and spur that prompteth them unto virtuous actions, and withdraws them from vice, which is called honour. Those same men, when by base subjection and constraint they are brought under and kept down, turn aside from that noble disposition by which they formerly were inclined to virtue, to shake off and break that bond of servitude wherein they are so tyrannously enslaved; for it is agreeable with the nature of man to long after things forbidden and to desire what is denied us

~Francois Rabelais

Massive links to enlightenment….

So last year I did a lot of research into spiritual concepts that I had, as an atheist for many years, neglected to study.

It was a bit mind blowing.

so here it is for your meditative appraisal

Massive links to enlightenment….

Don’t drive after looking into the Light….


Ahh yes… that book you do go on about…The MEEK

So my WIP of a philosophical/spiritual pamphlet…
Even the outline seems to feel palpable
Some intrinsic measurement
of value or solidity

Designed to be about the size of a Watchtower magazine.
here’s a google dox link that’ll update

The Order of The MEEK

Pyres and Crosses…

They nailed him up…
one of many

many millions
young men


There were millions.

Thousands in a day
crucified, beheaded

Would he stand on the hill of the killing field of Infidels
With their observations, books, thoughts,

Would he look upon their bodies and smile?

For some strange reason, madness perhaps,
I think to myself he would weep.

He never was about guilt
Never wanted that for you
would grieve to see you grovelling
confessing Sin

Before the Axe you bow and cry

Tell Him about your Sorrow
He cares not for simple guilts
and Fear

Is it not Life
That you would hear Him speak about

I do not know,
I cannot say

Think of this Being at the center
Surrounded by His acolytes

A message of


Blown apart we are divided
The Break

We are broken Apart
Become Wanderers again…

He does not want your Suffering
for Guilt, Shame and Fear

The cross on which he hung is NOT his friend
No Ally was he nailed to

Electroshocked minds of happiness
it’s so much better now
We have so much to do…
We dance naked in tiny boxes of white
Almost afraid of the fields flocks once roamed
Terrified of dirt,
and the smell of grass

Worshiping the guillotine on which our rebels and heroes have departed…

and freedom!”

I will not bow before this Axe
It killed my friend

His Life is the True Story
Not the fairy tales of his Father

Jesus did not point to the sky
He pointed to his centre, and that of the others there
“This is what we seek

Not the noose and its tying…
The bullet in its flying
The machete and the pistol
And the Pyre.

C. Taylor

The Gods within the Root of Us

what does
ishta deva

archetypes/symbolic metaphors
as Masks

The Oracle speaks
we choose
their wisdom
or our own

to pull the Aspect
from the Skein
Or to Weave our Own
In golden filaments
draped across
aroused and breathing

filled I am
Close as I myself am to you
Is how close we can be
to uniting
even closer
is One for an instant
made of two entwined
and attuned

Breathing together
over Time
We become
One, two entwined


C. Taylor

Was there a Jesus? Of course.

Jewish priests have a habit of keeping track of births, deaths, important events.

It’s pretty clear there was an ancient rockstar who liked whores, travelled around with his “crew”, and performed for groups of hippies who would come from miles around to see him, until the local feds busted him for some infraction or another so he could be made an example of to all his rebellious fans who weren’t singing while they slaved.

Whether or not his name was “jesus” and not “ben” or “joe” is a matter of debate.

Afterwards, like 50+ years later some senile old farts tried to remember what that cool dude said way back when. But they were yuppies now, converted to willing slaves by da man, and anyways, they were so high when they were at that jesus gig that they didn’t really pay that much attention beyond the “hey let’s everybody love everybody” schtick. Which was pretty cool really, there were lots of hot chicks at every jesus gig. But man they were soooo high.


After the pigs beat him to death, the old timer priests he was bitching about all along commissioned some people to write about him, properly domesticated former hippies, and then tacked on that wad of jewish history they’d been shoving down peoples throats for for centuries previously.

Anything too radical was of course left out by the writers working from memory of an event 5 decades previous. You can only rock the boat so much before you are tossed in the drink, as that whole nailed to the cross thing illustrated so well to everyone.

(the old testament has NOTHING to do with Jesus, it is the very thing he was fighting against during his whole speaking tour)


Will he survive the Inquisition? Perhaps we should gather wood…

So I just posted my OPUS MAGNUM in progess,

The Small Great Book of Atheist Spirituality.

The Great Book of Atheist Spirituality being a considerably larger piece of research to chew on in my magnificent current economic state.

Too bad nobody ever listens to me anyway.
Who knows?
Maybe some rabid xtian will try to kill me for it.

They do that in Canada you know, kill people for saying what they think.
Canada is full of queer hating, atheist hating, colored folk hating rednecks,
regardless of the fluffy media portrayal of Canada as a place where everyone gets along.
It’s BS.
Go to Shittown, Alberta.
Or any other hick Canadian town an hour away from a large city.
Take a look around.
How many black people you see?
You might see some chinese, but usually just a local restaurant owner.
Not a turban in sight.

Yee – Haww

Backwash Canada regularly murders faggots and bull dykes who stray from the city
believing the media lies of a welcoming place where all belong
Murders unsolved for years, and never will be
even tho every hick in town knows who dunnit.
Funny thing is, if JESUS was hitch hiking through Canada,
yes that long haired hippie in sandals, wearing a gown, unshaven, preaching love and acceptance
Jesus himself would get the shit kicked out of him anywhere outside a major canadian city.
He would. He’d get fucking murdered.
And no one would know.

The cops would stand there and go:
“shoulda cut his damn hair and put some jeans on, hippie faggot…”

Rituals of Spring

Wondering again how much a whisper on the web
An idea crosses
The Skein
Minds interlink in Rituals of Spring
Old fears cleansed to become Skyclad
Naked is how we are in Mind
In the Glade

For many years I’ve been writing and painting.
Canada doesn’t seem to be working for me.
The cultural dissolution and suppression
Sicken me

They throw their children to the Blizzard
Become whores for rich old men
love for money
for harder drugs to forget the cold
The Blizzard takes them
The Unwanted Ones
Always so young cast away

In the spring we find them
Pig farms, ditches and fields
As the earth tries to heal
Beneath its sorrow

These foolish monkeys need to grow
And I have almost lost Hope
That they ever could have done so

Christopher Don Taylor